McMaster Optimal Aging Portal
The McMaster Optimal Aging Portal was developed by the McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA). MIRA works to optimize the health and longevity of Canada’s aging population through leading-edge research, education and stakeholder collaboration.
The McMaster Optimal Aging Portal presents science-based research to help you sort through all the information online - so you can age with confidence, allowing you to live a healthy and active life, for as long as possible. The Portal provides accurate and evidence-based health information and more! Find out more on their website here.
Here's a quick video introduction to the portal.
Don't trust your health to Dr. Google. Instead, consult their evidence-based Blog Posts, Web Resource Ratings and Evidence Summaries for trustworthy information about health and social aspects of aging.
Best way to navigate the content? Browse by pre-set health and social topics or Search your specific term or question.
Register on their website to receive full access to their professional content. Find out more on their website here.