Independent Living Resources
Adapting how you live, not where
In order for you to continue safely living independently as you grow older, you may require some changes to your home. There are lots of great resources available to ensure you're living safely on your own.
12 Steps to Stair Safety at Home: tips from the Public Health Agency of Canada on how to be safe if you live in a home with stairs
Accessible and Adaptable Housing: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's guide on how to design and adapt accommodation to be more accessible
Home Adaptation Checklist: this checklist from the Canada Safety Council identifies adaptations that could help prevent accidents and enhance independence
Home Fire Safety for Seniors – What Family Members Can Do: pointers from the Canada Safety Council on what family members can do to protect seniors from a home fire
The Safe Living Guide – A Guide to Home Safety for Seniors: the Public Health Agency of Canada weighs in with advice on how to prevent injuries by keeping your home, yourself and your environment safe
Seniors and Aging – Assistive Devices: advice from Health Canada on choosing and using assistive devices
Veterans Independence Program: Veterans Affairs Canada provides funding for home care services to help veterans live independently in their own homes